Thursday 9 July 2009

Hello Kitty

After a mad week last week trying to help my husband lay a new wooden floor in the kitchen (first attempt) in all that heat too, here is the results which even though I say myself its not to bad but it was hard work. After nearly six months of decorating and diy around the house I now only have two rooms left to do - hooray nearly there. So this week I have made time to do some craft work and have a break from diy.

Now getting to the more interesting stuff like crafting :-)

I have had two projects to complete the first one was some favour boxes for my grandaughters friends birthday party and the theme was Hello Kitty. Using the Sizzix Hello Kitty die cuts this is was I came up with, I must say they were rather fiddly to put together but all turned out OK eventually. This is a great way to use all those small scraps of papers you cant bear to part with ;-)


  1. These are lovely Christine
    Wendy x

  2. Aw, these are soooo cute!I really want to make one now!!


  3. These are absolutely gorgeous! I have to try this :)


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